Sunday, January 25, 2009

Medication Woes

Katie is having a terrible time with her medications. It has been a challenge for the docs to find a combination and dosage that keeps her protected from rejection without lowering her white blood count too much or torturing her with side effects. If you remember, she was hospitalized last summer for a couple days because her white count was dangerously low. Her transplant was 9 months ago and she is still having blood drawn once or twice (and sometimes even three times) a week to monitor medication and WBC levels.

A couple months ago, Katie began transitioning from one immunosuppressant drug (Prograf) to another (Rapamune) because she was having some unbearable side effects from the Prograf. A couple weeks ago, the docs inadvertently overdosed her on the new medication and she has been a physical and emotional wreck ever since. Not fun!! If things don’t level out soon, we are thinking about sending Katie to live with Dr. D. That should motivate him to adjust her meds to a level that she (and those around her) can live with! (Smile!) Seriously, Katie is really struggling and would be grateful for your prayers. After a 4.0 GPA last semester, she is having a hard time keeping up with her studies.

Because each person metabolizes drugs differently, finding the perfect combination and dosage of drugs is an art, not a science. Katie clearly metabolizes things differently than the norm. Lab work shows that she is momentarily at the “right” drug level, yet her white blood count is too low and she is overwhelmed with emotional and physical side effects. The risk of backing off on meds enough that Katie is not experiencing side effects is that she may then be susceptible to rejection.

So while you are praying for Katie, please also pray for the docs that they might have wisdom to manage Katie’s meds in a way that keeps the whole person of Katie well, not just her kidney.

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