Monday, January 5, 2009

Surgery Went Well!

Today Samuel did a great job of NOT living up to his title of "prince of complications" (as he has been dubbed by a friend). Everything went well!

His fistula is on the inside of his right elbow (he is left-handed) instead of down on his wrist like Esther's. Instead of one incision (as Esther has), Samuel has two. The vein and artery are much farther apart higher up on the arm, so to make the connection requires two openings of the skin.

Samuel has had so many IV's in the past that he has sections of his veins that are damaged from scarring. They needed to place the fistula higher up his arm in order to find a good spot. The vascular surgeon still had to do some work to expand a scarred area in the vein. We'll just have to wait and see how the fistula develops. It is not uncommon that a fistula needs a second procedure at some point to make things work just the way they should.

My Mister-been-there-done-that was as calm as a cucumber (and full of it!) in pre-op. Here he is doing Algebra while waiting to go to the OR.

Samuel, are you actually smiling AND doing Algebra at the same time? How is that possible?? -VBG!-

Thanks to everyone who was praying for Samuel today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any recent news? Hope you are well!