Thursday, December 24, 2009

Biopsy Results

Biopsy results show that Esther has low grade rejection which is the best (or least worst?) of the bad possible scenarios. Tomorrow morning she'll go back to the emergency department for another 500 mg of methylprednisolone. They'll have to first put in an IV, which can be a challenge with Esther's limited access. The whole process will probably take about 3 hours. Esther and I will miss the Christmas caroling at the nursing home, but we should be able to make it to Hartland for Christmas dinner. Tom will already be there with the other children.

Esther will have a third dose of the methylprednisolone on Saturday. As much of a bummer as this is, we know that things could be much worse and are thankful that the rejection is not severe. This year's Christmas crisis seems easy compared to the Christmas two years ago that I spent in the ICU with a very sick Samuel.

The following blessing was written by a friend who also has a child with kidney disease. It expresses my sentiments exactly.

"Our hope for each of you this Christmas is that you get to experience the JOY that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the PEACE that comes from trusting Jesus Christ to comfort you when nothing else can, and the HOPE that comes from knowing only He can meet your every need."

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anna said...


(thorburn family)