Monday, December 28, 2009

Back in the Hospital

Esther is in the ER right now waiting to be moved up to the pediatric floor. She is quite sick with a fever. She just had a boatload of prednisone (500 mg for 3 days and 60 mg for the last two days) which has suppressed her immune system even more than usual making her vulnerable to any and every virus. The fact that she is mounting a fever after so much prednisone (which is an anti-inflammatory) is a concern. She is being admitted so the docs can run some tests, monitor her, and treat her.

Between labs, a biopsy, three prednisone infusions, and this fever, Esther has been in the hospital five of the last six days. This looks like it will be a little longer stay than the others. Are we having fun yet??

1 comment:

Beth Singer said...

I am sorry to hear that Esther has had to spend so much time at the hospital over these past few days. Not much of a vacation for her. The girls and I will be praying for her and if she is allowed to have a visitor or two, please let me know. I've heard that the pediatric ward is pretty choosy about who can come in and visit. Please give her my greetings and love. (CC Tutor)