Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Struggles and Hope

Well, yesterday's long day turned into a long night. Samuel went from dialysis to the emergency room after multiple unsuccessful attempts to lower his blood pressure. Eventually, his pressures were low enough that we could stop worrying that he would blow a gasket. It was 2:30 a.m. before he could safely leave the ER.

Samuel slept most of today and tried to recover from feeling like a Mack truck had run over him. It was my job to monitor his blood pressure to be sure he was safe.

Late this evening we got the very welcome news that Hannah had a negative cross-match with her potential recipient and Samuel had a negative cross-match with his potential donor. Hallelujah!

Now we must sit tight and wait for further instructions. All other pairs (and there may be quite a few!) must also have negative cross-matches. There are still a myriad of details to be worked out and many critical components to be completed. One of the very necessary pieces yet to happen is that our surgeon here must receive an official offer of a kidney for Samuel from the NKR. This is the first time that the folks at Fletcher Allen have worked with the National Kidney Registry, so we are all learning as we go.

We are holding it all with an open hand and praying, may your will be done, Lord Jesus.

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